19 March 2008


you know... we are always growing and changing.
sometimes it's by choice.... and other times it's by life.
i am being asked to grow right now -- by circumstances in my life....
learning to exercise my 'wings' of new-potential and character.
the series on butterflies is about change.
sometimes my new life is comfortable and other times i feel overwhelmed.
this small watercolor is a bit of reflection on the acceptance of change.
arches 300 lb. 11 x 14
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  1. when i pulled up your blog and saw this - I gasped. really. out loud.
    I thought you couldn't paint anything that i would love even more than i already love your work - but this. THIS!
    beyond words, again.

  2. I love the symbolism of this piece, done in your usual gorgeous colors and zing!

  3. Oh my. I think I have to have this...
    As Melanie said...beyond words...again.
