27 February 2008


here is the watercolor triptych completed today. each painting is 40 x 30.. and together make a 9 + wide statement

i paid a lot of attention to having the paintings coordinate. the palette -- and the varying views of the figure make this piece fascinating.

left panel- Dealing With Loss
center panel- Rinse and Repeat
right panel- Hydro Therapy
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  1. Just beautiful! Your unexpected color choices always keeps me coming back to look again.

  2. The first thing I think when I see your swimmers, and most especially in this one - HEAT. I can just feel the sun burning down. And the water is the counterbalance...cool, refreshing, cleansing, purifying. It's a wonderful balance of elements. A delicious metaphor!

  3. Carol -
    these are so raw with emotion - so powerfully spoken - stirs something in me -
    viewing your work is always a sublime experience
    ab stunning.
    thank you for sharing.
