16 August 2013

Back To France

Two small watercolors for my show in France next spring.  Lovely lovely lovely there.  So excited to go back!

I am almost done with the exhibition.  40 watercolors of small views of France.  Here are two that I finished today.

The Metro Station is almost done-- still needs some tweaking.

The Haystacks are definitely done.

Tell me what you think!

It's fun and daring to paint between France and Asia.  Two differing perspectives... two differing sensibilities...!

11" x 15"

11" x 15"

14 August 2013


These beautiful monk's robes were hanging from the balcony on a warm day in Ko Samui Thailand at the Big Buddha Temple.

I felt comfortable taking the photo-- and then subsequently painting the robes---  as a symbol of their floating spiritual presence all around the shrine.

The monks weren't visible at the shrines. You could feel their presence-- but they kept a low profile.

There was only one-- who was tying blessings-strings on tourist's wrists.

Don't you love the pure, ethereal quality of the fabric?  and the sunshiney, intense orange?

22" x 15"
Asian Influence

06 August 2013

Goldies!! Goldfish in a Bag-- Watercolor from Asian Influence Series

These goldfish ROCK!  I am finally getting the hang of painting what my heart saw on Tung Choi Street in Hong Kong!

Those precious and fragile fishes-- swimming away in their perfect little water-worlds!


and what makes it more special-- is that they are loved and appreciated-- and taken home as beloved pets.

22" x 30"
Asian Influence

03 August 2013

Final and last version of Temple Man Mo.  The changes are probably imperceptible-- but still-- there are changes.

Thank you thank you for taking this journey of evolution with me.  The temple is certainly a rich place for imagery.  I plan to mine it again for a painting.

The red and gold are reminisent of the palette that assaults your senses-- once you enter the temple.  It is sacred, mysterious, steamy, and shrouded in tradition.

It will take many pantings to convey!

Please let me know your thoughts!

Temple Man Mo
25" x 40"
email for purchase