23 February 2013

Iris Tutorial

I have worked on an IRIS TUTORIAL for my watercolor class next week.  It will be a simple project to illustrate how I achieve a certain effect in paiting flowers.

This is a slightly abbreviated version-- but here are some steps.

The glaze in the background was added first-- and the rest of the painting follows as you see.

Pigments are:

Winsor Newton

Cobalt Turquoise Light
Winsor Green YS
French Ultramarine Blue
Prussian Blue

Daniel Smith

Quinacridone Burnt Orange


Mineral Violet

18 February 2013

Cat Commission- watercolor

I was asked to do a commission for a client of their two cats.  He supplied the photos and left the rest up to me.

I decided to photograph the step-by-step of painting this piece.

The colors chosen were as follows:

Daniel Smith Shadow Violet
Winsor Newton Aureolin
Holbein Horizon Blue
Winsor Newton Prussian Blue
Winsor Newton Sepia
daniel Smith Quinacridone Burnt Orange
Winsor Newton Alizarin Crimson
Winsor Newton Winsor Green YS

I hope you enjoy it-- and I hope the client likes it too!

Two Kitties
15" h w 2" w

Windowbox for FRANCE- watercolor

Another small watercolor for France show--- a nighttime version of a windowbox.

Lovely lovely view of beautiful France in the evening.  All aspects of this country are amazing!

Viva la France~!

11" h x 15" w

13 February 2013

French Watercolor

More paintings from France~

The studio holds a lot of fascination for France--- there are about 20 paintings completed for the show.  As I work the series-- I return to previous images and make changes and adjustments to deepen the message.  All works are in progress -- until they hit the frames!

I will finish when I reach 30.  The whole collection will be matted and put in mylar envelopes for travel and display in Toulouse FRANCE next year.

I will travel to Toulouse-- for the exhibition and also hold a workshop.

All imagery is from France.

Tell me what you think.... or if you have some clever titles....


11" h x 15" w each 2013

09 February 2013

Happy Clients!

Two happy clients this week ---  lovely lovely to share the paintings with them for collection.

I am always pleased and overjoyed when people purchase my work.  It's an honor and privilege to be a working artist.  I treasure and value each day in the studio.

Thank you thank you to these clients for reaffirming my time there!

Happy day!

22" h x 30" w
finds a home in Santa Fe

15" h x 22" w
going home to St Louis

06 February 2013

Woof-- Dog Commission

There is always time for a commission in my studio... and here it is!   My client's wanted to have a fun portrait done of their beloved family member... MALCOM.

So, I was happy to oblige!

Here is Malcom is all his barkiness.


15" h x 22" w

Work has begun on the CHILDREN'S BOOK!

I am excited to be finally working on the initial draft of the children's book that will accompany the SMALL INTRUDERS insect show.

The only way I can see what I'm writing-- is to lay all the small watercolors on my studio floor and arrange and rearrange.  There is text-- quotes, folk lore, poetry... fun facts about insects that will be interspersed between.

It's fun...confusing,... arduous... and a challenge!

I've never done this before.... but I am determinded to write an interesting view of the bug world.

The book is being designed by the talented Kristen.  

I will be offering it at the exhibition -- and on my website in the Spring.


Gator Print

This beautiful GATOR PRINT will be going to CRATE AND BARREL in the Fall of 2013.

Look for it in your nearest store!

I also have a swimmer available in their collection too.  Stay tuned for more information~

03 February 2013

More and more FRANCE-- Halfway done

I have been working on developing the exhibition for France-- and get it done and packaged for shipping this Spring.  The exhibition isn't until March of 2014-- but I am thinking AHEAD for a change!

Here are the most recent few.  They are all small, affordable, matted, and will fit in a suitcase.

Viva la France!

French Laundry
French Umbrellas
Loud and Proud- Rooster

11" h x 15' w