31 January 2013


Two more paintings of France

There are a dozen more coming

I love doing this exploration

it feels like a travel journal

each painting captures a small moment
of my time in France

Bon Jour!

15" h x 11" w

11" h x 15" w

27 January 2013

FRANCE!!! lovely FRANCE~! Bon Jour!

I am continuing to paint on France---  glorious France.  The show is slowly building momentum... there are 8 completed pieces.

There are so many different subject that are interesting to me.  I am trying to capture my experience there---  with the small snippets of ambiance.

Night Bike
15" h x 11" w

White Cat
11" h x 25" w

11" h x 15" w

22 January 2013

Glorious France!

Marching on and painting France.  It would be faster and more enjoyable-- if the weather were cooperating!

There is an Arctic Blast here.....  which is hard to deal with.  But... it doesn't allow my washes to dry the way I like.

But, I did manage to make some progress today on FIELD.....  

Hopefully  -- more will be accomplished this week.

Additionally-  I am making some progress on the Insect Book!

Fields of Hay
7'5" h x 11" w
in progress

19 January 2013

Paintings of France- for FRANCE

I am working on imagery from France-- gathered from my last two trips there.  I have a show and workshop in Toulouse, France in the Spring of 2014.

I want to include 20 -30 watercolors of a view of France from my artist's perspective.

It will be a small format for shipping-- no oversized watercolors.

I will share more about this as the months go by.  Hopefully- if you are in the area-- you will come see the exhibition~

Les Quacks
11" h x 14" w

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
11" h x 14" w

18 January 2013

Portrait Watercolor Finished!

Life in the FAST LANE has finished.

I worked again on this portrait to bring it to conclusion.  Here is the FINAL VERSION.

I like it now-- it reaches a new level for me.   It was good that I abandoned it for a few months.  I really became detached-- and didn't care what happened to it-- as long as reworking it taught me something.

I had a freedom when reworking it.....  and things progressed from there.

It's good to return to former paintings--- that are quite measuring up--- and bring about a different, more resolved statement.

22" h  x 30" w

16 January 2013

St Louis Workshop


March 8, 9, 10  2013
   Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Maryville University
Art and Design Building
St. Louis, MO

Learn to paint with freshness and vibrancy 
Learn to create value using color  
Discover what makes a strong concept for painting


All invited

Finishing a portrait watercolor that I began months ago.  I never felt that it had the depth and mystery I was trying to capture.

So, I "messed it up" but adding dynamic washes to both the glass fields and forehead.  This is an artistic gamble-- because you never know how the paint with move and dry.

But...  I wasn't happy with the previous painting-- so what was there to lose?

I am enjoying it now-- and developing the reflections and hairstrands.  The middle bar between the glasses needs to be taken down a notch in value.

It's finally coming together for me with mystery, brilliance of color, wash freedom, and technique.

This photo only captures the painting before the last step.  Come back tomorrow for final stage.

Fast Lane
22" h x 30" w
in progress

12 January 2013

OXYGEN- latest and final version

I spend the day tweaking and going over transitions and blends to strengthen the value structure of

I am finally done.  If I work anymore on it-- it will be OVERWORKED!

So...enjoy ....

22" h x 30" w

Portrait Commission FINISHED!!

The commissioned portrait is complete.

I will send to the client soon....

Thanks so much for letting me share with you.

It has been refreshing painting people... after two months of painting bugs!!

15" h x 22" w

11 January 2013

Oxygen revisited

I worked additionally on the OXYGEN watercolor to bring some resolution to the depth and distance in the reflection.  I got rid of a lot of saved white... and added color and value to areas throughout the background.

I am doing this to enhance to foreground.... allowing the figure to emerge front and center-- and the background to recede in a kaleidoscope of color and activity.

There is one more day of consideration of the piece before I call it finished!

Come back to see the end result.

22" h x 30" w

More Portrait Development

Another day of working on the double portrait.  I added quite a few areas for consideration.

The day was perfect for watercolor-- rain, cool, humidity.

Each area has been blocked in now--- and today I will tweak and blend, soften, and link the units together to make a pleasant, flowing, unified statement.

The final result will be posted tomorrow!


Portrait Commission
15" h x 22" w
2013 in progress

09 January 2013

Sequence of Portrait Commission

 I have begun a portrait commission for a couple in Minnesota.  I thought I'd share the journey of how I paint portraits here.

Each stage is allowed to dry before the next stage is begun.

I will add the next stages tomorrow-- and share with you how I complete it!

Portrait Commission
15" h x 22" w
2013 unfinished

08 January 2013


Yes yes YES!!!  I am done with the BUGS!!!


I am moving on to writing the book on bugs.... and working with graphic designer.....

then... the marketing aspect of the show.

Not to mention getting the scans ready for the wallpaper....and posters... printing.... etc.

Oh so much still left to do!

YAY!!  the bugs are done!!!

06 January 2013

Get a Load of these Intruders!


More and more bugs!!  in fact.. the series is almost complete!  I should have it wrapped up tomorrow.

The last 20 has proved to be the most fulfilling and clever.  There was a need to make them the best!

Here is a sample.

I will be working on the children's book next week.  Should be fun.

The show is coming together---  frames, venues, tees, collection.

All in all.. it will be a blast!!

Y'all come!!

Stay tuned for details... unfolding here.

Don't miss it!

04 January 2013

Not for the timid-- BUGS!!!


More and more BUGS!!!

I am nearly done-- in fact.. I'm MORE than done.

I have the 100 insects painted.

The exhibtion date chosen.

The framing agreed upon.

The book being worked on.

The TEES being designed.

The promo started.

The SMALL INTRUDERS show will happen this April.  Stay tuned for more details as they become known.

All invited!

01 January 2013

HNY2013! Happy New Year 2013!

Wishing each and everyone of you the HAPPIEST of NEW YEAR!!!

So happy that you are following this blog- and in touch with me every now and again with your encouragement and comments.

I really appreciate all insightful remarks-- and I am grateful for ALL of YOU!

Please keep visiting in 2013- and I will share as much of my studio work with you as possible.

Happy New Year!

May 2013 bring all your heart's desires!

Small Intruders
5" h x 7" w  each
email for purchase
stay tuned for show