27 August 2012

4 Demonstrations from European Workshops

Here are 4 demonstrations from my recent trip to Europe.  They weren't finished on my trip-- as I have a difficult time wrapping up works while trying to help students.

So... I brought them home and put finishing-touches on them.

Most of the students requested simple images to work with-- botanicals, landscapes, flowers and such.  But in France-- I did venture to paint a swimmer for all to see.

The last landscape is a small narrow painting that is not a demo-- but a delightful piece I wanted to share.

11" h x 15" w

11" h  x 15" w

11" h x 15" w

11" h x 15" w

Scrub Pines
6" h x 22" w

22 August 2012

Kalvag NORWAY! Watercolor Workshop

I have spent the last week teaching watercolor in a beautiful fishing village off the West Coast of Norway---  in Kalvag, NORWAY  population 900.

It was an absolute dream.

Perfect crystal clear Norwegian waters, amazing light and sunsets, wonderful students... captivating imagery.

 NOT to mention the amazing fresh SEAFOOD~!  Whale, lobster, crab, cod, cod tongue, mackeral, herring, scallop, mussels... you name it... all FRESH and harvested locally.

The boats would come in DAILY -- with their haul.

What a tremendous experience-- to work and live in a picturesque village-- with imagery all around.

The students painted crabs, boats, and water.

All in all.... a "10" of a workshop!

Thank you Karin-- of Sommerakademiet  for arranging a tremendous workshop.

 We had 13 students from Norway and Sweden.  All of them were great artists and engaging friends.

Thank you too... Solveig and Alfred-- for all you did to make my transportation and trip an awesome experience.  I feel as though I know a LOT more about Norway-- and it's gorgeous landscape and friendly people.

Long live the VIKING!

Tusen Takk!

10 August 2012

Maison Blanche Watercolor Workshop- Piegut, France

Another great workshop has come to the end!

A French countryside at an amazing art retreat in the southwest part of France!

Maison Blanche invited me to have a workshop in the lovely 16th century barn built by monks.

To say the least-- it was a wonderful experience with Alain and Veronique as hosts.

The food, the weather, the landscape, the chickens, the walks, the tours of the medieval villages -- EVERYTHING was outstanding!

Everyone had a great time-- and I am already booked for another workshop next year!

Viva la France!

Bon Jour!

03 August 2012

Bon Jour- Brantome, FRANCE~!

I journeyed to France yesterday-- and met up with my friend-- Maggie Z.  We will be traveling companions for the next couple of days.

We are in Brantome, France-- and enjoying the 14th century Abbey and the small "island" of Brantome.  The cutest village in the middle of Dordogne region of France.

We are going to outdoor markets, sampling produce, buying baskets, visiting chateaus, taking photos and relishing all moments of France and the ambiance that it offers.

There is no country quite like it!

France replenishes the soul...and adds heart to your vision and imagery as an artist.

I love it here-- and would love to stay for more than a week!

Tomorrow we visit another village...and Sunday we will join the other students and have a watercolor workshop at Masion Blanche.

Stay tuned for more Frence memories.  Viva la FRANCE!
