29 April 2012

Flame Thrower IRIS watercolor

Flame Thrower is almost done.  It's been a fun journey working with the new FABRIANO paper.

I was thrilled with the way the paint handles..and astonished at how easily it lifts for corrections.  Also.. much easier to add a second glaze without making mud!

FABRIANO makes ARCHES paper look difficult.  I will probably NOT return to ARCHES... but use up what I've already purchased.  Time for a switch.

Stormy rainy day yesterday.  Another few storms on the way this week.  Should be a good week for watercolor!

Flame Thrower
40" h x 30" w
in progress but almost done
email for purchase

25 April 2012

Flame Thrower- watercolor on Fabriano

Flame Thrower--- my newest watercolor.  I had a little time today-- to work on this painting.   It's been a joy and an ease to work the Fabriano paper.  Fabriano is softer and more forgiving than Arches.  The colors and washes seem more brilliant and responsive than I expected.

I am having fun!

I can't wait to try some other images.

So far.... I like this painting of monumental Iris!

Let me know your thoughts... and if you like Fabriano too.  Also... any other papers you like that I might try?

Flame Thrower
40" h x 30" w
in progress

23 April 2012

Flame Thrower progress on watercolor

I did a few washes on the Flame Thrower watercolor yesterday.

I don't have much time to finish this painting-- the condo comes first!

Must get THAT painted!

But... here's the progress.

I really like the softer Fabriano paper. It doesn't behave with the blossoms like Arches. I will have to relearn some new techniques.

But I do like the fact that lifting and softening edges is much more responsive.

I may do a few more Iris to complete a statement.

I want to try Saunders paper as well.

Ahhhhh.... looking forward to life in the studio again ... once the CONDO is done.. and the MOVE is complete!

Flame Thrower
40" h x 30" w
in progress

19 April 2012

New Condo

My realtor brought a champagne toast!

Working hard at painting the trim and walls.... best to do it BEFORE you move in with furniture!

Light, light, and more light! Windows everywhere... and everything is NEW

Gotta get to work....

My new CONDO!

There is a beautiful new place for me to live.

I am busy working... painting and sprucing up before I move in.

Please bear with me-- while I forego work in the studio... and replace with work on my new home!

It's only 2 blocks from my studio -- so I will be able to shorten the commute to work!


17 April 2012

Fabriano again!

I have decided that I needed to paint an IRIS this spring.

They are one of my FAVORITE flowers... and now in full BLOOM!

The best place to find them is at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Off I go to photograph them on Friday-- before the big rain storms.

There are dozens of varieties.. and so many to choose from!

It is always exhilarating to see them!

The last two days I've been trying the bloom on the FABRIANO paper.

Here is a painting after two days of work. I have to finish it later-- as there are pressing things for me to accomplish over the next fews days.

I promise to post the final result of this when I finish -- so you can see how it concludes!

Long live IRIS!

Flame Thrower
40" h x 30" w
in progress

15 April 2012

Iris! on Fabriano! First Stage~~

I am working once again on FABRIANO paper.

It is a challenge-- but good for me to stretch.

FABRIANO is softer and more accepting of watercolor than Arches.

The blooms are more subtle and the colors softer.

The washes seem "easier" to control--- and my painting is more relaxed.

Hopefully-- tomorrow I will get to finish the last of the larger scales washes-- and make a determination as to whether FABRIANO is a good surface.

40" h x 30" w
in progress

13 April 2012


I have finally gotten back to the studio--- and a few days at Jury Duty.

It was an exciting trial and a wonderful opportunity to be part of the judicial process. Long live jury trials!

Anyway, I am now back to work-- and decided to stretch my wings by
trying a new paper-- FABRIANO.

Kathleen Alexander said she loved it-- so I bought a reem to experiment.

My first attempt was of a landscape from the Everglades. A horizon of scrub pines and receeding sunset was the subject.

The paper is softer than Arches-- and more accepting of paint and wash. The blooms and back washes are also softer and not so pronounced.

I don't know if I like that or not.

On the plus side-- the paper is more 'forgiving' and easier to lift mistakes and correct values.

I like that!

So.. here's the second day of working on the landscape. I'm not done yet-- but will continue to develop the whites to blend in the image.

It is exciting to think that I will be working on a different paper-- from Italy!

Tomorrow-- I am branching out and painting an Iris.

Between Time
30" h x 40" w
in progress

10 April 2012


These Hollys sold today... and I'm excited.

I will be sending this painting to Los Angeles for it's new home.

I love this painting-- and it's brightness and light have brought the Spring spirit into my studio.

Yay for Spring!

Yay for Hollys!

30" h x 22" w

09 April 2012

Never Trust a Smooth Surface

So... this is the final version of my painting-- NEVER TRUST A SMOOTH SURFACE.

I modified and fleshed our certain darks to soft the harshness and create more mood.

I added more Quin Gold to enrich some of the landscape edges.

All in all -- I like the psychological tension and brooding mood it creates.

There's always something a little questioning about a "perfect landscape".... like a LURKING gator...


Never Trust a Smooth Surface
22" h x 30" w

07 April 2012

Rounding the corner of the painting

I have worked and worked on this painting... trying to get it to "lay down" as well as the mangrove to "stand vertical".

I washed in again...some Quinancridone Gold to soften the upper portion of the grove.

I am beginning to enjoy it better-- with the deeper nuances and softer edges.

I am almost done.

I have a few more areas to tweak... and then I will call it "finished".

I was watching a show last night about crocs... and came up with a more delicious title that seems to invigorate and set the scene for the narrative.

Gators and crocs can stay under water for at least 2 hours... to surprise their prey. This is a tactic that has drastic consequences.

Never Trust a Smooth Surface
22" h x 30" w
almost complete

I really need to find a venue for the Everglades show. If anybody has some suggestions.. .please don't hestiate to email me!


05 April 2012

Watercolor in WISCONSIN!

Please join me for my latest workshop in Whitewater, Wisconsin!

Information available on the flier.

Also posting soon on the website.

If you are anywhere near the area-- please join me for a great opportunity to PAINT!

04 April 2012


Started back to the swamp paintings today. I am trying to get one finished to enter into an exhibition.

I believe I may have the one that will do.

Nonetheless.. it was great to get back to the routine of studio!

I miss painting!

I love to teach....but I also love coming back to the studio.

Watercolor a lot this week-- rain rain and more rain.

Easter is around the corner....and then there's a new chapter in my future!

Stay tuned!

Everglades Series
30" h x 22" w each

email for purchase

02 April 2012

Portlandia Workshop!!!

I have spent the last week in Portland--!!

Yay and yippee!!

First... I taught a 4 day workshop in Menucha-- a beautiful retreat on the bluffs of the Columbia Gorge.

The workshop was 19 artists... from all over the West-- Oregon, Idaho, California, and Arizona.

What a wonderful group of people!

The workshop was sponsored by the WSO -- Watercolor Society of Oregon. Diana did a wondeful job of organizing the art details, and Christine did a wonderful job of keeping the home-logisitics solved.

We painted, ate exceptional meals, walked on the bluffs, talked till we couldn't talk anymore, watched movies at night--- Midnight in Paris, Van Gogh by Leonard Nimoy, and River Runs Through It.... and had a FIRE in a 10 ft fireplace. It was ALL so magical and beautiful.

I - for one- had a wonderful time-- and I believe the students did too.

I enjoyed meeting each and every one. There is always such a tapestry of interests and ideas. Our meal times were always filled with lively discussion and laughs.

The paintings produced were exceptional. As soon as I download the photos to my computer-- I will post.

Thank you to EVERYONE who made the workshop smooth and enjoyable. Thank you too... to ALL the students who traveled near and far to get together.

The inspiration, camaradarie, and creativity flowed...and I was so grateful to be a part of it!

Till next time!!