31 January 2012


Moving right along... with my series on the Everglades.

I decided to tackle the landscape motif of mangrove in the gator pond.

It's a lovely static image of the isolated mangrove in the middle of the pond.

The reflection and sensitivity of light to water--- was extrordinary.

I plan to do a larger version of this painting.

11" h x 15" w

27 January 2012

Gator Courtship---

My latest painting-- Gator Courtship was concluded today.

It has a nice jumpy feel to it.... crazy busy ... and with a tinge of movement and drama.

I love the fact that it is wild and free-- both in it's paint application and movement of water.

There is a roughness to the finish... and also some comedic aspects to the imagery.

As far as my work is concerned... it is a bit of departure for me... but I like it!

Gator Courtship
50" h x 35" w
mostly done

email for purchase

26 January 2012

More Gators and Swamps....

So.. here are two more photos of the POND PERFECT installation in my studio.

You can tell the scalr of the painting.

They are big...and together... make an 8 foot wide watercolor~

I also started another large watercolor of two gators in courtship.

It's highly abstacted-- and difficult to see the gators.

The bull gator is coming in from the right-- and approaching the smaller and elongated female.

I actually observed them in the swamp... having courtship. It was fast.. beautiful and very rare!

Did you know that they blow bubbles on themselves.. as part of the romaning??

Pond Perfect
50" h x 34" w each

Gator Courtship
50" h x 34" w
in progress

23 January 2012


Lovely to be working on my Everglades exhibition again. I am getting more and more excited about the work being done.

I have a zillion new ideas-- and am now racing to get paintings accomplished.

I hope to have a venue to show them in in FLORIDA -- so that the show can be see in it's entirety.

But for now.. here are a few more paintings for your consideration.

30" h x 22" w

22" h x 30" w

Swamp Again
50" h x 35" w

Gator Advance
20" h x 22" w

Swamp Diptych
50" h x 35" w each panel

DRIP-- Watercolors from the Glades

The Everglades show is gradually getting momentum.

I have worked some more on two paintings that depict the drips and drops and concentric circles that happen across the smooth surface of the water.

These drops are a product of the fish below coming to the surface to gulp mouthfuls of air.

The water is so slow moving...that it doesn't oxygenate itself enough to support the fish totally through gills.

It is a beautiful sight-- to see such a flat surface-- get pierced arbitrarily -- with these beautiful circles!

I was mesmerized.....

It would happen early in the morning...and captivate me for hours.

Here are two presentations of this phenomena.

Drip 1 and 2
50" h 35" w
email for purchase

20 January 2012

Watercolor Workshop with Carol Carter

August 5-10, 2012

The Manor is located in the middle of a bird sanctuary

Walking paths, fishing, library, birding, gourmet meals, and wine tasting.
The quality of the rooms is equivalent to a
three star hotel!

Watercolor instruction fills most of the days--
with demonstration in the morning
and individual painting during the afternoon.

Ample time set aside for lunch and leisure.
A very well equipped studio
Art and art-filled days

Nearby is Brantome,
the Norntron French knife factory, Villars caves,
St. Jean-de-Cole a picturesque village in France,
many castles and forges

Reservations and information
Manoir de Maison Blanche
24360 Piegut-Pluviers
Label de qualité Pays Périgord Vert
Tel: +33 553 56 90 55

1.074 E ($1500 USD) per person double occupancy

19 January 2012

Gator-- Watercolor from the Everglades Series

New watercolor of a gator for my Everglades Series.

This watercolor has a few new techniques I've been trying out... in preparation for larger paintings.

I am plowing ahead and trying to tackle this project and have a showing of the series.

There are parts of this painting I really like.

22" h x 30" w

09 January 2012

Strathmore in Washington DC- NAWA Group

The North American Watercolor Group made it's debut first American exhibition at the prestigious STRATHMORE FOUNDATION in Washington DC this past weekend.

All six artists were present at the opening reception -- Kathleen Alexander, Carol Carter, Mark Mehaffey, Tom Schaller, Nick Simmons, and Keiko Tanabe.

It was an outstanding reception -- with over 30 watercolors displayed.

The title of the exhibition-- STEPPING OVER THE LINE was curated by Harriet Lesser. The goal was to challenge, break, and expand the boundaries of contemporary American watercolor.

We had a wonderful time getting to know each other. Most of us had never met outside of email and Facebook!

I was in awe of all of the work -- and consider myself to be exhibiting among some of the finest watercolorists in the US.

Our next exhibition will be in Bogata, COLUMBIA.

Thank you to every one for making this fine exhibition!

It will be open until FEBRUARY 4, 2012. Details below for directions to the gallery and hours.

Please consider yourself invited!

January 8 - February 4, 2012
Strathmore Foundation
Rockville, MD

Sweet Magnolia
28" h x 36" w

See Ya Later
55" h x 40" w

Still Waters
55" h x 40" w
Kathleen Alexander, Nick Simmons, Mark Mehaffey, me, Tom Schaller, Keiko Tanabe

07 January 2012

Washington DC with NAWA artists!

Yesterday was spent touring the WHITE HOUSE and the downtown area of Washington DC. Mark Maheffey, Kathleen Alexander, Keiko Tanabe, Rosie Maheffey, Tom Alexander had a great day!

The White House... of course... was exceptional. We even saw Geitner walk into a meeting with Secret Service following. Very impressive!

We learned that Dolly Madison saved the unique portrait of George Washington from fire in 1812.. when the British burned down the White House.

After the tour-- we had lunch at Old Ebbits Grill -- famous for their crabcakes.

Then... we walked Pennsylvania Avenue towards the National Gallery.

We toured the West Wing-- and saw Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and so many masters! It was divine!

I loved being with my friends and touring the collection.

Then we headed to the East Wing-- and saw some gorgeous tapestries and the contemporary collection.

After fueling again with tea and cookies-- we headed for a stroll to the Capitol to photograph it at twilight.

I found a perfect vantage point-- at sunset with the moon in the sky and the reflection in the tidal basin.

Such a great day yesteday!!

Today will be fun too!

05 January 2012

Strathmore in Washington DC

I am going to Washington DC today-- for an upcoming exhibition at the STRATHMORE FOUNDATION.

Please join me on Sunday for the reception if you are in the area!

Details below.

Stepping Over the Line
January 7, 2012 - February 4, 2012

Stepping Over the Line, redefines how we look at art. Fresh, forward thinking and utterly unexpected, this is the show that transcends the
restrictions of media and artistic genres.

Mixed media artist and painter Shahla Arbabi and watermedia artists Kathleen Alexander, Carol Carter, Mark Mehaffey, Thomas Schaller, Nicholas Simmons and Keiko Tanabe upend the familiar with unique application of color, mesmerizing media manipulation, and intense point of view and emotional outlook.

Opening Reception
Sunday, January 8 from 2-4PM
Free, please join us!

Exhibition Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 10AM-4PM
Wednesday - 10AM-9PM
Saturday - 10AM-3PM
Closed Sunday

Art Talk

02 January 2012

2012... Back To Gators!

Now that the new year has come... I am back to work on my Everglades show. I am going to do a few gators.. and then another pond.

These two watercolors of gators are the first in a series of the reptile.

The second one is done... but the first one is in it's first stages.

I am using Shadow Violet from Daniel Smith paints. The 'gator gray' seems to do the trick!

The Approach
22" h x 30" w
2011 in progress

22" h x 15" w

01 January 2012


Happy New Year!! I am happy to say ... that 2012 came in with a bang!

I sold two watercolors... and finished the Chinese Lanterns... right in the nick of time!

I am so exicted for the coming year. Many good things are happening career-wise for me. Please visit back to see what transpires!

For the moment... however... here is the FINAL version of the CHINESE LANTERNS.

I reworked parts of it -- and added the small details yesterday.

Please have a safe and prosperous new year... I am so blessed to have my family, my art, and my friends with me!


Chinese Lanterns
40" h x 30" w