27 December 2011

From my client in ITALY!!

My client-- Fausto-- sent me the digital of the watercolor he commissioned after having it framed.

It looks beautiful and vibrant!

So wonderful to have a client that shares your vision!

I feel priveleged to see my paintings go around the world.

Thank you Fausto!

15" h x 11" w

24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all of my friends who visit this blog and encourage me with your insights, vision, posts, and comments.

I cherish each and every one of you!

May Christmas be special -- filled with love, light, family, and friends.

May the new year bring peace, joy, and contentment.

Merry Christmas!!

22 December 2011

Back To Life! watercolor from the Everglades

The painting from the Everglades series -- has been a challenge for me for a few months.

I finally got to the point where I threw the whole thing in the dumpster -- and quit working on it.

A friend inadvertentaly saw it in the dumpster.. and promptly returned it to me with the admonition-- "finish it!"

So... being humble and frustrated... I have working on it for the past two days.

I finally changed the orientation of it - and began liking a bit of the abstraction more.

After much layering and shading... I am finally "calling it quits AGAIN"... and hopefully this time... I will keep it!

Back to Life
29" h x 41" w

Tiny Back -- Nude Watercolor

This painting started out as a demo for a class of watercolor. I continued to work on it when I brought it home.

Today I resumed the rework- softenin and adding some depth and shadow.

I think I'm finally done with it ... relinquishing my efforts to let it stand on it's own.


11" h x 15" w

20 December 2011

Eye Candy Finished!

The lollipop watercolor is done!

It has been fun to paint... and even funner to look at!

I really like the whimsy and color-- a painting without much content.

The lollipops were at the Farmer's Market at The Grove in LA.

I found them hypnotizing...and took a variety of photos.

This is the first time I've stepped out of the box a bit to paint them.

I think I'll do a larger version --

Eye Candy
22" h x 15" w
email for purchase

Lollipops in progress

This watercolor exploration is a work-in-progress.

I am trying new imagery-- whimiscal and different.

I think that's helpful when doing work... to try something that's unfamiliar and non-serious.

It's about mid-state at this point. I should be able to conclude the rest today.

If I like the final version and approach-- I may consider doing a larger painting.

22" h x 15" w
in progress

19 December 2011

North American Watercolor Artists to exhibit at STRATHMORE

Kathleen Alexander, Keiko Tanabe, Mark Mehaffey, Nicholas Simmons, Tom Schaller, and I will be exhibiting new and cutting edge watercolor at the Strathmore Foundation in Rockville MD in January.

The exhibition titled "Stepping Over the Line." explores the theme of pushing the boundaries of watercolor. Each artist will have 3 -4 watercolors illustrating their latest efforts in the medium.

All will be attending the opening on January 8, 2012 from 2 - 4 pm.

Please join us for the reception! All inivted!

13 December 2011

Queen Anne's Lace!

The lovely watercolor is simple and direct and from the Everglades.

I will begin to do more on this series after the first of the year.

The backlighting and striking drama were exciting to paint.

Queen Anne's Lace
12" h x 12" w

11 December 2011

Cash Carry Christmas a Big Success

Thank you to everyone who came out for the Cash and Carry Christmas Open Studio.

It was a huge success with tons of friends/clients and lots of art changing hands.

I am thrilled and happy that so many people came to visit.

It was so busy at times... that I could hardly say "hello" to anyone!

Thank you again - to everyone!

Your support means so much to me!

Till next year!

Happy Christmas!

09 December 2011

OPEn STudio- Christmas Sale!

Tomorrow is the OPEN STUDIO

Please come... and see all the affordable paintings being offered.

Kristen Powers and I are hosting a holiday event... complete with Hot Chocolate, cider, cookies, wine, and cheese.

All are welcome.

Over 40 unique works of art avaiable to add to your collection!

Cash and Carry Christmas

3156 Shenandoah Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63104
12- 5 pm


06 December 2011

Getting Ready for the OPEN STUDIO!

This Saturday-- DEC 10 is the OPEN STUDIO for the CASH AND CARRY CHRISTMAS!

Please come!!

All works original -- and all framed!

December 10 2011
3156 Shenandoah
St. Louis, MO

05 December 2011

More small Watercolors

More small watercolors for you to chose from at my OPEN STUDIO this Saturday
December 10
Noon- 5 pm.

All are invited!

3156 Shenandoah Avenue
St. Louis, MO

all paintings framed and ready to go!

local art
hot chocolate!

02 December 2011

Interview on Carrie Waller's Blog!


Here is an interview on my work-- that is on my new friend's blog -- CARRIE WALLER.

It is lively and personal.

Please take a look- and be sure to tour around Carrie's work, blog, and website. She is a tremendous artist. I am happy that we have become friends!

Thank you Carrie!