31 March 2011

New Self Portrait

Every now and again.... I do a self portrait.

This is the one I began a few weeks ago -- and finally getting around to work on it.

It isn't finished yet -- just a few tweaks.

However, the portrait served it's purpose-- in getting me back into watercolor.

I feel like I've been painting acrylic non-stop for years!

22" h x 15" w
not yet finished

29 March 2011

Leasing ART!

Here is a sampling of some leased work at a beautiful penthouse in downtown Clayton MO.

I am so pleased with the installation-- and I know the client is too.

Wow.... wish I could move in!

6" h x 14" w

Ochre Marsh
36" h x 80" w

Salt Marsh
36" h x 80" w

Leasing ARtWORK

This beautiful penthouse leased 8 of my paintings for the next three months.

It is on the top floor of a beautiful building- with a stunning view of Clayton MO.

I would LOVE to live there!

But... alas... only my paintings will.

For the next few months!

45" h x 36" w

Out by Tybee
30" h x 80" w

26 March 2011

Finally finished!

Watercolor of the swim/float is finally finished!

I spent a fair amount of time today .. finishing the tutorial. Now.. for the text!

I also posted a number of new paintings on the WATERCOLOR UNDER 300 blog as well.

Take a look!

15" h x 22" w
email for purchase

25 March 2011

Watercolor continues to develop!

The watercolor of the swimmer is continuing to progress. I slow down the process by trying to document each and every stage.
Soon, I will be writing text to go with each image.
Almost done... and off to the publisher.

15" h x 22" w

23 March 2011

FLOAT- watercolor swimmer tutorial

I am developing a tutorial for a magazine about a swimmer painting.

It's been fun to work on this today.

As I paint the painting --- I stop and document.

Soon.... I will write some text to go with each state.

This is the second time I've done it for this particular publication.

But... I have done tutorials for many publications over the years.

15" h 22" w

21 March 2011

Italy Suite

A visit to The Italian Suite this week --- twice.

The first visit-- to give a gallery talk to about 20 people.

The second visit to show the exhibit to my son who was in town.

The show looks better than I remember! It was affirming to see the work again... after an absence.

My... how I was proud of the exhibition!

Cedarhurst had to supply extra sheets for Guest Comments-- and they also produced a brochure with an interview with me.

I will document that brochure later in the week.

It's a busy week this week . I am working on leasing some art to a penthouse condo....as well as giving a studio tour on friday to 13 visitors.

16 March 2011

Help Japan


Here is a way for artists to help in the Japan Recovery. Let's all donate work to be auctioned.

Our help is needed.

12 March 2011

Tsunami Hits Kona

Needless to say -- this workshop and trip to Hawaii has been a experience!

The ALOHA WORKSHOP at SKEA is going fine!

The hotel KING KAM -- that I was staying at -- had to be evacuated at 11 pm on Thursday evening -- due to the tsunami from Japan earthquake.

I went to higher ground with Kathleen Alexander and her husband Tom to stay at a friend's house on the Makau.

It was a stressful evening...with sirens and phone calls.

Thankfully...we are all safe.

Kona coast received damage from 1-2 foot surge. It's amazing to see how much destruction that can cause!

The hotel lobby had 1 foot of water...and destroyed restaurant, pool, and first floor lobby.

The workshop continued yesterday . We were all happy to be together....but tired and worried.

At the end of the day-- it was fun... and good camaraderie and sisterhood!

I am so thankful for my students!

Wow.... I will never forget this workshop.

Please check my Facebook page for many photos of the destruction.

09 March 2011

Volcanos and Waterfalls

So many new views and vistas to see here in paradise.

I now know why they call it the "rainbow state!"

We went to see the Hawaii Volcanic National Park near Kilauea. Here we see steam coming out of one crater.

The volcano that is erupting is on the East Rift -- and off limits to visitors.

We saw amazing vegetation! Some of which will show up in future paintings some day.

One more day before the workshop starts!

08 March 2011

More views of beautiful HAWAII!

Spent the day going to waterfalls and botanical parks. We saw amazing flora and fauna... perfect for painting!

We also visited the Hawaii Volcanic National Park -- where all the action is taking place with the erupting volcano.

Of course we couldn't go see it -- but we stood on another part of the volcano -- and saw steam!

Gorgeous paradise here....

07 March 2011

Hawaii! Aloha Workshop in paradise

I have arrived in Kona, Hawaii -- and am enjoying a few days to myself before beginning a workshop in watercolor.

It is definitely beautiful! The weather is 75-85 and sunny.

I have seen green turtles, magpies, soft waves, and turquoise ocean.

It has all been spectacular!

More images and impressions to follow.

04 March 2011

TWo Commissions

Two commissions were worked on last week. The hotel is on the East coast. I did these pieces according to the specs and imagery provided by the art repesentative.

I think they turned out great!

I enjoy commissions -- and love the opportunity to have someone else give me a vision [or goal] for a paintings.

12' H x 12" w each