25 January 2011

The Italian Suite

The Italian Suite: Works by Carol Carter

Cedarhurst Center for the Arts

Mt. Vernon, IL

February 25- May 1, 2011

Opening February 25 6:30- 8:30 pm

5600 Richview Road
Mt. Vernon, IL

All are invited~

Come see 80 paintings of Italy!

24 January 2011

Watercolors on the Drawing Board

I have been mostly working on my book with Marty and Kristen --- and trying to become more familiar with my Mac.

It's taken it's toll on my studio time... and I haven't been able to get that much painting done.

Here's what I've done for part of last week.

The boa has been added to the MEDUSA painting... and I've started a small self portrait --- just to get my brush wet again.

So.. enjoy!

40" h x 30" w

Self Portrait
22" h x 15" w
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20 January 2011

Fruite and FISH!

Here it is! All finished and done.

I have successfully learned how to post on the blog via the MAC. woo hoo!

Now to figure out all the other zillions of things left to do!

This learning curve comes at an inopportune time.

I am so much MORE clever on a PC!

So... here it is...the watercolor I started the other day.

It's a snow day here....and I will be working on marketing stuff....and work on a few painting projects from home. Since I was born and raised in FLORIDA -- I am no good at driving in the snow~

Fish and Fruite
15" h x 22" w
email for purchase

19 January 2011

Beginning Watercolor Study

I had the chance to do a simple watercolor....and wanted to break ranks and do a still life to share with my watercolor classes.

I began doing this study--- and finished it today.

I will post the finished painting-- tomorrow.... after I learn how to upload photos to the new MAC with my camera.

I have been snooping around... trying to get used to the new machine . I have to admit... I am uncomfortable with it.

The Picasa works for me... better than iPhoto. Everyone tells me how simple it will be. Not kickin' in-- as of yet!

So... here's to learning new technology!

And... come back tomorrow to see the final version of the painting.

Still Life w Fish
15" h x 22" w
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17 January 2011

SWIM watercolor

I have been working and workin' this watercolor -- to enrich and purify the background. It was way too flat-- and not at all sparkly.

I hav been developing much of the water swirls over the last few days-- when I have a chance to paint.

There hasn't been much time for me in the studio.... as I have been working on the house to get it ready for sale.

So...tell me what you think. I will add the more complete version -- when I learn how to load photos onto iphoto on the new Mac. Yes, I joined the apple revolution .... as my pc died on Saturday.

30" h x 22" w
mostly finished

14 January 2011

Three paintings from Long ago

I had the chance to shuffle around my stored work-- to look for some art to share with a friend.

I found three old paintings-- from the year 2000.... based on the highway imagery as well as Belle Glade subject.

It was refreshing to see them...they are dusky and mysterious -- and a bit more lush than I remembered!

I documented them with film.... and now I am sharing with you.

Let me know your thoughts. These are all larger scale works on paper.

Last of the Belle Glade work
acrylic on paper
8" h x 40" w

Highway Headlights
acrylic on paper
29" h x 50" w

Highway 95
20" h x 50" w
under acetate-- hence the reflection

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Waiting for Italy

I am now busy with managing how to market the exhibition at Cedarhurst. I am planning a nice announcement -- and also a book.

Both will be available online.

Here is a grid-- of some of the pieces.

I long to show them all to you-- and I hope many of you come to the exhibition !!

It's my first exhibition in a while....and possibly my first one-person museum exhibition!

The Italian Suite
photo grid
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09 January 2011

The Italian Suite

Here are some groupings of THE ITALIAN SUITE to whet your appetite.

I have no idea how they will be displayed at CEDARHURST -- but this is how I envision the groupings.

I did some pieces with others in mind-- so they would create a narrative or a color palette that would be sympathetic. There are many many paintings in the collection.

I am excited to feature them.

The Italian Suite
various sizes

Cedarhurst Center for the Arts
Mt. Vernon, IL
February 25 May 1 2011
opening Feb 25 6- 8 pm

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06 January 2011

The LAST of The Italian Suite!

"YES!" I'm finally done.

Today was the final day-- of finishing up the last two painting of a 14 month odyssey.

It feels GREAT to put this chapter to bed!

I have loved working on THE ITALIAN SUITE-- and can't wait to show it next month.

BUT... I'm ready to move forward -- and tackle other projects with resolve.

The last painting.... [the top one] is called IN BETWEEN BLUES... was excellent to work on.

The bottom painting had begun about a month ago... but had to be tweaked to finish it off.

I worked hard on the transitions of the trees to ground... as well as make the background more atmospheric.

I have 4 panels... 30" h x 30" w ... that will exhibit as a long horizon.

You can see three of them here.

Tomorrow... I will install them on my larger wall in the studio-- and make a photo that shows the four.
It was difficult to make the panels sympathetic...and also different.



now... to work on the book...announcement and publicity for the opening!

Italy 194
24" h x 24" w

Italy 193
30" h x 30" w

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03 January 2011

The Last ITALY painting....

Here is the last Italian Series painting for my show. I don't know how many I've painted.... certainly more than enough! and... certainly MORE than I've EVER painted for one exhibition before.

Granted they are small format-- but the effort and critical painting are the same.

It's certainly harder to paint larger paintings -- because of their sheer scale -- but you have all the other formals issues of creativity to solve. So, some times... there is NO difference between large/small.

I don't think I'll be painting large again--- it's way too physical for me.

But... I enjoy the smaller/moderate format a great deal~~

I have also begun titling the paintings. This is the fun part!
Then comes labeling, wiring, and finally signing all the works.

I'm meeting on WED to discuss the announcement -- and then.. let the MARKETING begin!

Italy 192
24" h x 24" w
second state
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01 January 2011

MEDUSA- watercolor

I have begun a tangential painting--- MEDUSA-- a figurative piece about a woman I met on Halloween.

I have been longing to return to watercolor of the human form-- and she seemed like a likely subject.

She was a young woman dressed as Medusa for a Halloween sideshow. It was a carnival atmosphere....freak show... sword swallowers and Siamese twins etc. You get the drift.

Anyway, she exemplified the role of Medusa so clearly -- I just had to paint!

Here is the beginning steps. It will only be developed as weather permits.

The larger washes need lots of moisture to make them work-- so I need to wait for rainy/wet days in the studio to finish.

It is critical to develop the painting under the best conditions as possible.

I like her so far... and am happy that I got most of the background blocked in.

Now..to finish the last Italian painting... and to forge ahead with the EVERGLADES work.

Happy New Year everyone. Your presence on this blog means a lot to me. I appreciate all your comments, insights, criticisms, and support~

Let 2011 begin... and let's make it WONDERFUL~!!!

40" h x 30" w

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