29 November 2009

happy clients!

i sold this beautiful painting today... a wonderful lily from my show in Ecuador.

this client knew what space needed to be filled in their home.. and came with an open mind about what imagery would work.

this painting painting jumped out as the final candidate!

i was thrilled to have another painting be placed in a collection.

thank you very much Marty and Jim... for your support!

Taliban Lily
32" h x 48" w
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27 November 2009

happy clients~

today was 'black friday' in the studio! i had a wonderful couple come to visit from Kentucky. They were great to talk with -- and knew exactly what they were looking for. They ended up buying a selection of work -- three paintings from Italy -- and one large acrylic lily.

It was nice to see that these works will have a perfect home.

Thank you for your visit!

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26 November 2009

more italy coming through! acrylic paintings

here are three more paintings from this week in the studio. i'm able to focus more.. as this is an off week from teaching.

one is finished.. two are still be completed.

the show is capturing a lot of imagination.. and giving me fuel to complete it.. and move on to another adventure.

when it's all done.. i will title each, but for now.. they are just numbered. sort of.

12" h x 12" s

12" h x 12" w

10" h x 36" w
email for purchase

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23 November 2009

More and more Italy

the work on the LITTLE ITALY show is taking form now.. gathering momentum.. and making itself known.

i am trying to paint as much as i can -- during my free time this month.
i am trying new subjects.. and trying to even out the imagery. not all landscapes.. as before.. a lot more figures and architecture.

it's fun.. and i'm enjoying the ride!

Italy 20
12" h x 12" w

Italy 21
12" h x 12" w
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18 November 2009


check out this beautiful and informative blog on watercolor and artists in watercolor. it's author is CHRIS BECK http://chrisbeckstudio.blogspot.com/ -- who is a tremendous artist.

this blog is an introduction of watercolor to fellow artists.. and a good place to cross reference ideas and inspiration in the world of watercolor.

i highly recommend subscribing to it.... to keep fresh in what's being produced in the world of watercolor.

thank you Chris! for my inclusion!

17 November 2009

Italian Series- Acrylic

Little Italy Series.... new photo of the evolving exhibition. It's coming along nicely -- soon there will be two more panels.

I will be tackling this show more decidedly when I am off for Thanksgiving next week. Wait for new paintings to be added.

Little Italy
acrylic on Ampersand Gessobord
varying sizes
$475 each
long one sold
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15 November 2009

Florida Corkscrew Sanctuary REEDS watercolor

This large watercolor-- REEDS from the FLORIDA CORKSCREW NATURE PRESERVE was placed in a beautiful art collection in Kentucky today. I had the privilege of driving the painting there.. and meeting with the collectors. They live in a beautiful part of Kentucky -- complete with horse farms, rolling hills, bluegrass, and stunning skies. Wow... what a weekend!

36" h x 66" w

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10 November 2009

Italy Exhibition taking shape-- ACRYLICS

I have begun to see how the Italy show will come together. It's been a month of hammering out these small modular paintings...and connecting -- interconnecting them- both with imagery, palette, and subject.

I've finally settled on having them appear in the room.... in a horizontal format. They will all hang evenly... but with spaces between and differing sizes.

I am now.. really stoked about the show.. and can't wait for extended time in the studio to finish~! Look for a later winter- early spring opening.

I'm thinking of naming the exhibition-- LITTLE ITALY. What do you think?

Installation view

4 small acrylics on Ampersand

Italy 17
12" h x 36" w
email for purchase
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08 November 2009

more ITALY!! acrylics

So... here are a couple of new acrylics on ITALY-- i worked hard this weekend on shaping up a few paintings.

I decided to sand the edges of the formerly black edges.. and keep the 2" cradle a beautiful sanded wood.

these paintings look sharp! they are tight... very resolved... and very professional.

i am getting psyched about this show~

Italy 16
10" h x 10" w

Italy 17
12" h x 36" 2
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04 November 2009

older self portrait

i ran across an old self portrait -- watercolor... that i did about 6 years ago.. or even more. it's large.. huge. .. and in need of some more work!

i think i'll work on it again.. to make the changes that i see fit.

there's much to be happy about.. but a little tweaking is in order.

when i finish it [again].. .i'll post.

meeting someone new tomorrow from Hawaii. they flew into town and searched for "watercolorists in st louis" on Google. after a few email exchanges... we are going to meet at my class at Maryville University tomorrow morning.

this is what's great about the Internet! it brings us all closer together...

Self Portrait
40" h x 35" w
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02 November 2009

Italy: Acrylic Paintings on Ampersand

Today was a day when I worked on two new paintings to add to the series. It was a smoother day in the studio --- because I protected my time there.. and didn't have to subdivide it.

The Arno painting was the first completed... and then I developed the Sunflowers.

I will let them sit for a while -- before adding the final touches.

Italy 13
12" h x 12" w

Italy 14
12" h x 12" w
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