31 December 2008

Hit the Road- Ready to go

i'm having a small exhibition at East Central College in Fulton, MO next week. it will hang for a month. i framed up these two paintings to include.

35" h x 45" w

35" h x 45" w
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Still Working

I had time today.. to take some big risks in two paintings that were hanging around the studio --

I enjoyed adding depth and richness in ways that were unseen to me before.

i have a dispassionate distance from the work now -- and that enables me to risk the total painting to learn something.. and therefore -- come up with a better statement.

both of these paintings have been on the blog before... you may be familiar with the.

now i feel fairly certain about the direction they're heading in... i feel challenged and enthused by work on them today.

Looking Inside/Looking Outside
40" h x 50" w

Still Holding On
40" h x 50 " w

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28 December 2008

Corkscrew Swamp

This watercolor is nearing completion. I am enjoying the relationship of water to reflection. I need to let it "rest" before I make final decisions.

I'm still having difficulty with Winsor and Newton pigments. I'm convinced the company has changed the binder. Something is different.

Have other fellow watercolorists noticed any change in W&N pigments? If so, please let me know.

Corkscrew Swamp

25" h x 60" w
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25 December 2008

New Book!

Hey everyone.... I made a new book of figurative swimmers. I am in the process of finalizing the layout this week. In the next few days -- I will offer it on my blog and website. it's been fun to work on -- and a challenge!

So, those of you who are interested in a cross section of my watercolor to keep and review -- here's a pint sized version of images!

[ the book has a few more pages than what is posted here...]

Carol Carter
Watercolors from the Heart
7" h x 10" w
new book

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24 December 2008

Watercolor in the Works

The watercolor of Corkscrew Swamp is gaining some momentum.... It was a rainy day in the studio yesterday -- perfect for laying down large washes. My friend- Ray Marklin hung some lights that made my work area brighter -- and therefore easier to work.

I am really enjoying watching this piece develop. I have high hopes!

Stay tuned for more progress photos.

Corkscrew Swamp
25" h x 60" w
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Happy Client!

Jim Clark and Carter Clark were very happy with the portrait! Good timing..... i made the Christmas deadline.


14" h x 11" w
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22 December 2008

plodding along-- acrylic

i'm not sure if you can see the changes- they might be imperceptible... but.. i worked most of the day.... on the right side of painting: bringing out the figure and pushing back the water.

it's a challenge.. and there is more work to be done... but.. into the studio i went... despite the 4 degree temperature!

Still Holding On
40" h x 50" w
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20 December 2008

awww.... what i do to make money....

so..... you thought that my art was all fun and no work... right? well.. not SO!

occasionally i have to do commissions, portraits... and that's what i've been working on the last few days.

i had a request to finish a watercolor of a man with his dog... before christmas!

OMG.... anyway, i am always game... and tried my best to take his photo and make a likeness of him and his puppy. it wasn't an easy photo to work with.. .the pose and hood...made a challenge -- but... er.... what the heck!

so... here it is.

14" h x 11" w
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19 December 2008

Yesterday's Muse

So, yesterday's progress can be measured in these two paintings. I worked on establishing nuances in the pattern of water.... as well as depth and focus to the right figure. I like the left figure-- and want to counter balance her with richness in the other figure. It will make the foreground figure more prominent.

the foreground in the lower right is also untended. the value needs to be adjusted and softness conveyed.

The figure below just received some slight attention. i will develop her as i spend additional time today working. [At least the value structure here is established.]

I also have a commission to work on -- which takes priority over all!


Still Holding On
40" h x 50" w

Looking Back
20" h x 24" w
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17 December 2008

Two Still in the Works-- acrylic

so.. .i'm still working on these paintings. it's been slow -- as the weather is cold and makes me want to hole up inside and NOT paint!

but... i managed to make a few decisions -- despite my reluctance.

i have loads more work to do ... but i feel that the swimmer one has a real chance to move now. i took some risks by changing the water.. and now i have to bring out the highlights and richness.

the upper swamp painting... needs to be set aside at this point -- so that i can gain a perspective. i'm too attached to what i've already done... and that's never good! i may even totally rework the water... so that it has a different cooler palette. but.. all in good time!

check in again later.. and you'll see progress.

Corkscrew Swamp
25" h x 50" w

Looking Inside/Looking Outside
40" h x 50" w
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12 December 2008

Limited Edition Giclee

Half Empty/Half Full
limited edition giclee on Arches 100% rag paper
15" H x 22" W image size
22" H x 30" W paper size

please see my home page on website for more details!

www. carol-carter.com
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11 December 2008

two in the works- acrylic painting

here is a sample of some of today's work in the studio-- it's important to keep in mind that the first painting is very preliminary. i have been interested in painting swamps ... and this is my first attempt. after a visit to the Corkscrew Sanctuary in Naples -- i came up with this view of reflections.

the second one is the battle i've been waging with these bathers. i feel the painting getting closer to being resolved. i took some big risks with it and with some detail work in the upper right hand corner -- it should be finished. or.. at least i hope so!

Corkscrew Sanctuary
25" H x 50 " W

Still Holding On
40" h X 50" W
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American Visonary Art Museum

On my trip east... my brother and i visited [briefly] the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, MD. it rocks!
you must go see -- if you are ever in the area.

We also went to the Corcoran Art Museum -- and saw Richard Avedon's photographic portraits of People in Power commissioned by ROLLING STONE magazine. these portraits were taken through the 60's and 70's. awesome!

The National Portrait gallery had two memorable exhibits --Women of Our Time: Twentieth Century Photographs.......and... my personal favorite -- Alfred Steiglitz and Georgia O'Keefe. I have never seen so many O'Keefe in one place at once! truly inspirational.
The last museum we visited was the National Museum for Women in the Arts.
There was a nice collection and overview photo exhibit -- but nothing too eye-catching -- except the Frieda Kahlo.

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06 December 2008

NEW VISONS- American Contemporary Gallery

Other terrific artists in the exhibition- NEW VISIONS:

Tony Henson
Alan Soffer
Steven Pearson
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more friends........

more friends...
Nick Simmons with Jane Gillette and Jan Moller
Jeff Moller.... yay!....

me with John Bodkin -- gallery director
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Show Opening!

Here's a small overview of the people that came to the opening. I was particularly touched by my friends that came from great distance to be there....

Nick Simmons [yay- we finally got to meet!]
Jane Andre Gillette with Jan Moller [from Alexandria, VA - two great painters...]
Jeff and Jana Moller [classmate from Principia College]
Debbie Nichols
and my beloved brother- Sam Carter

The evening went smoothly -- it was really great to meet the other artists - most of which were from out-of-town too.

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