Here is another acrylic tutorial. I like to share the various stages it takes to make a painting. I find it fascinating and helpful myself.
Each stage takes time.. and over all -- I think there's about two week's worth of work here.
I begin with a slight outline-- and under paint with Cadmium Orange.
I then add the deeper purples -- mixed in with
Liquitex Baltic Gray and Baltic Green.
After most of the passages are defined according to value and weight-- I am free to add the background.
The subject flower is then "taped off" -- so that the image will be protected as the background gets painted.
There were a couple of attempts to get the background color right. I t
ook great care to blend the right softness to add volume of space.
The first background had more orange. Subsequent layers took that away-- but you can always see little remnants and underpinnings of previous layers.