28 June 2008


here's a large scale watercolor-- of reeds and marsh. i'm not quite done with it.. there are hours more work in detail. but.. the layout and feel is positive.. and i like the way the painting is going.

so far.. so good.

stay tuned for the final result.

Marsh Reeds
40 x 60
arches cp 555 lb
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26 June 2008

Final Version

reworked the background... it's very similar to the previous painting... but presents a cleaner edge around the ears and head of steer. i didn't like the fussiness of the previous contour -- hence .. the rework.

you always lose something.. when you rework -- but ... you always gain something too!

i like it better... but plan to leave it alone.. and move on to other things.

45 x 50
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25 June 2008

Skyy Trails and Kow Tails

this rework of the cowscape -- was particularly invigorating....

i had sold this painting last summer... but for whatever reason -- the client returned to me for a savannah landscape. being momentarily disappointed -- i put it away. but... months later -- i returned to it .. and saw new potential that had to be explored. i dropped in the graphic sky -- popping our the napa cows and forcing them to be closer.

leaving a simple horizonline helped anchor the painting to the rest of the color field.

i've had SO many people stop by the studio to see this one!

Sky Trails and Cow Tails
24 x 48
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23 June 2008


this acrylic is a rework of a piece i did a couple of years ago. i added background.. and am simplifying the transition between the two. it's almost finished... and i'm getting closer to what i want. i will finish tomorrow. and photo the end result. in the meantime.. the 'in your face' cowscape is quite commanding.

45 x 50
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Looking Through

a differing state of this painting. i'm inching forward to completion.

Looking Through
16 x 20
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19 June 2008

final version

hollyhocks -- final version -- i think!

we shall see.... nothing is ever finished until it's sold... no?

42 x 17
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Seeing The Future

this painting was originally inspired by a gate in st. thomas, VI. the painting took on a dreamlike quality - to describe a narrative.

each stage of this piece was an outgrowth of an earlier series of work. the butterflies are about change... and the figure looking through the stairwell is largely in the foreground... looking out and looking through. the stairwell is reminiscent of the stairwell of long ago -- one that i captured about a passage way on a cruise liner.

Looking Beyond the Veil
16 x 20 panel
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17 June 2008

Full Bloom

here is the first of a series of acrylic hollyhocks for a summer show. i've become intrigued with this architectural flower.... and have set about making a small visual documentary. this painting is about 3/4's done -- i need to add richness -- and also blend the foreground with the back.

all in all - it captures the spontaneity and freshness which makes it easy on the eyes... there is also a blend of the arbitrary non-objective design with the playful realism.

oh my gawd! hollyhocks
42 x 17
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08 June 2008


These tulips are the last of the paintings for my show in Ecuador next month... i think.

the show has a lot of work... now.. i think i have to cull it down.

the vase is a sentimental one -- bought when i was still in graduate school.

Lazy Tulip
watercolor on Twin Rockers 300 lb cold press
21 x 21
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07 June 2008

Ft . Lauderdale Yacht Club

this acrylic was a delight to paint.

yachts are a little off the beaten path for me... . but.. since it was a commission -- i'm up for the challenge!

the task was specific-- a small photo... tightly cropped -- painted in a realistic way.

since i grew up in FL -- i have a familiarity with the landscape. Florida is very close to my heart.

i dream of salty breezes... and waving palms all the time!

the robin blue sky .. and the turquoise water.. are all reminiscent of warmer days and gentler times for me.

12 x 36
acrylic on panel
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06 June 2008

Sweet Cows

Two cow paintings.... mooooooo..........

Each small acrylic measures 11" x 14"-- but with frame comes to a substantially larger piece.
the iconic subject has brought me much conversation and joy-- all of us is a farmer at heart.
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04 June 2008

Tulip Time

this suite of tulip paintings being produced -- is for my exhibition in Ecuador-- in July. all the tulips are smaller in scale... and on differing papers also done with unusual pigments for me.

i'm testing new materials to see if i can broaden my supplies.

the tulips at the Missouri Botanical Gardens this year were quite striking.. and captured my fancy!


Tulip Time
watercolor 20 x 20
Twin Rockers paper- 300 lb.
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