27 April 2008

sultry day

watercolor 12" x 12"
little painting from the Good Girls series

20 April 2008

Debbie's Orchid

the development of the blossoms has been a challenge -- with a lot of repainting. my goal was to keep it fresh.

the background makes subtle shifts of color/value to move your eye in an interesting way.

there is another panel in the works -- which will complete the horizontal format.

any thoughts on titles?

acrylic- 24 x 48
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16 April 2008


this it the larger version of -- "Morph"....
the painting is 85% complete. i have made necessary adjustments to tweak some of the flow -- and am working on making it just a bit richer. but for now... you see the general concept and layout of final version. it's a descriptive painting -- one that captures the essence of time, change, acceptance, growth, transition, maturity.

30 x 40
arches 300 lb. cold press

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11 April 2008

Double Double

I love the light hearted playfulness of this piece! I am also intrigued with the symmetry and geometric composition. The dual figures cut an interesting diagonal.

The background is Holbein Opera and Winsor Newton Cobalt Violet. I'm stretching myself to discover new palettes.

Each panel is 7 x 10 arches cold press 300 lb.

Any thoughts on title?
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07 April 2008

Colossal Spring

a giant iris watercolor -- 40 x 60 -- totally describing what it feels like to embrace the change in seasons.

i love the seduction of this piece.... dark, evocative voluminous washes.. along side the delicacy of light petal of the flower

40 x 60 arches cold press
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